Tuesday, March 1, 2022


Religious conversions are a result of Capitalist mentality 

You can change the name of a person or teach them to pray in another manner 

But their genes don't change 

They don't forget their culture 

Their language and food habits do not change 

But the convertor tries to impose a certain kind of culture , language , dress , food habits etc upon the converted 

And then the controlling begins ... !!!

Religious conversions are a facade to control more lives than were born into your religion

Let In Peace

I consider myself fortunate to be living in the country where not just me , but my parents , and their parents , and earlier generations were born 

I can go visit the place where my elders lived , the house where they walked , talked , celebrated ... 💝

I can feel the proverbial "connection with my soil"

I still belong to my roots 

Everything is familiar even if I visit after several years

I meet people in the mohalla where my generation and even people belonging to my children's generation know my parents and their parents 

And we strike an instant connection because at some point my parents too have talked about them 😊😊😊

This is the kind of joy that rejuvenates my soul 

Contrast this with those who were cruelly pulled away from their roots and forced to leave their beloved huts and homes , villages and towns !!!


Kaise ujad kar phir se basey hoNgey ... Kaise sahaa hoga dard apni zamiin se begaaney ho jaaney ka ... Kaise apnayaa hoga ek ajnabi-anjaan rahen-sahen ... Can one even imagine the emptiness that must have never left a corner of their heart !!!

Badi himmat ki baat hai 

Bikhar kar simatna 

Aur bikhrey huoN ko sametna 

Stop the hate 

Make way for peace 

So we live and let live 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐