Monday, June 20, 2016

Roza Namaaz... aur Insaaniyat

To me, The Holy month of Ramzaan gives ample time for retrospection and soul searching, the main reason being that unlike many others, who observe rozas and still energetically pull through the daily chores with apparent ease, I tend to feel feeble by afternoon 😃

As a small girl, my sister had once asked Mummy the reason for Ramzaan fasting.
Mummy informed her that going without food and water the whole day helps us in understanding better what it feels like to be hungry and thirsty and as a result we can actually feel the pain of the lesser privileged fellow human beings.
We will be able to empathize with them more earnestly when we experience it ourselves.
My sister had innocently replied:
" Why the whole month then ? We can understand that in just one day !!!"
Needless to speculate.
I am quite sure this spontaneous innocence  must have left Mummy speechless back then.

Also a very common line that can bring "logic" into the most illogical "religious" practice is:
"Religion is a matter of faith. Everything cannot be explained. No one has seen God. Still we believe in Him ... Right?"
( Actually an illogical outburst again 😉 !!! )

My fourteen year old niece shuns this "logical" idea with an emphatic NOT RIGHT.
Her very valid point is:
"How can religion be illogical or unexplainable ?"

Recently I came to know that a German who is studying the Qur'an has discovered that the Qur'an does not mention/prescribe/advice fasting the way it is being done since times immemorial.
(That is one month compulsory fasting during the month of Ramzaan.)

The Qur'an, as he has interpreted, says that whenever you see the new moon, fast for a few days.
The number of days is not specified, hence can be any number as per the convenience of the person.
Noteworthy is the underlying conclusion that such fasting can be undertaken every month at the sight of the new moon and the number of fasting days can be adjusted as per one's convenience.

Scholars who study the scriptures because they are honestly interested in unearthing deeper meaning and bringing to fore a logical interpretation of these ancient Holy scriptures must be encouraged as also the message in the verses must be revised from time to time and interpreted in accordance with the changing times so that their meaning, relevance (and holiness) does not fade away with time.

In a developed world where one talks of global citizenship, religion must essentially evolve to enrich the mind and heart with peace, and be respected as a personal choice.

This is all the more important because nowadays religion is being blatantly and brutally (mis)used as a lethal political tool.
We are given to understand that every religion preaches peace, but ironically in the name of religion everything from hurtful provocative speech , riot, rape and war are not only permitted, this barbarism may actually be deemed sacred !!!

I have not studied religion in depth, but am totally convinced that no Prophet has come to this Planet with The Message to kill or bring in unreasonable practices of worship.

Today in the morning I found this following quote which certainly is soul nourishing and supremely uplifting, specially in the present times when Muslims are seen defending their faith through word of mouth because of irrational activities of some misguided individuals who happen to be having Muslim names.

I think instead of wasting precious energy in making corrective speeches, setting an example through endearing and compassionate deeds would be definitely a better and more potent option.

May God be our true Guide leading us to the path of righteousness

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