Friday, March 12, 2010

Parsis, my sweethearts!

There are reports often in the press about the dwindling number of Parsis in our country. It is very sad to see the number of such an exemplary community going down, as indeed we need more of their kind, and I'll explain why I think so. I have some adorable Parsi friends some of who have been inseparable family friends even before I was born, and so the family ties are unshakably strong. I cannot imagine a world without these lovable human beings, whose way of life can teach many a lesson in peaceful co-existence to all of us.

There are many reasons for the Parsis to be so drastically reducing in number causing serious concern. And that is being debated and written about off and on. Going through some of the reports it suddenly occurred to me if the numbers are really so important. I mean look at all the over populated races in the world.
What is happening to them?
Are they not ferociously killing one another under various pretexts in the hope of becoming the owners of this Earth?

In fact, the "satisfactorily-populated", the "enviously-populated", the "reasonably-well-populated" and such other groups should put on their thinking caps and explore this a bit :
The Parsis are never seen begging on the streets.
They have an almost cent-per-cent literacy rate, they are hardly ever found fighting in the streets. Always well-dressed and well-mannered, they are a delight to be with.
It is not that they are always rolling in money. But the fact is that they thank the Lord for His blessings by making the best of what they have been blessed with.
They have a happy sense of humour and the ability to laugh at themselves, which is one of the most beautiful attributes of a person or a people who are content and at ease with themselves.

There is no need to invest money in "Art of Living" courses if one has a Parsi neighbour.

But we are made to believe that numbers are important.
Perhaps because the bigger the number, the greater the opportunities to bargain.
To fight.
To kill.
And to get killed too.

We are the biggest democracy in the world. But in an honest analysis of our system can one conclude that our democracy is also functioning?
Lamentably there are sections of human beings among us, in this very democracy, who have not even heard of the word democracy.

Let us look at the most populated races across the globe. And what does one see?
They are all wretchedly plagued with numerous worries.
They are all churning out numbers and statistics, and information about their "increasing" numbers. But let us realise also that increasing among them is poverty, misery, disparity.
Human-rights-rule-book is dumped in a heap of garbage.
Lack of education, employment, resources etc leaves them all insecure and frightened. Selfishness that is often a result of insecurity and distrust robs them of their peace of mind.

Coming back to the Parsi population issue, I think by now I have made my point.
I think quality is more important than the quantity.
But that is my opinion, and many may not agree, so a question arises :
Are the Parsis burning out like a candle ?
I think so.
Like the candle that burns without the blinding-dazzles, preading light, driving away the darkness, so pretty much similarly, the Parsis, though small in number are leading by example.

1 comment:

AbdulAziz said...

parsis orignal country is persia. some parsis fled to india after arabs conqure persia. i think some parsis live in persia. they were civilized nation. they are representative of light. thank zorah