Monday, June 17, 2013

Conscience Pricks me .......... ???

I was expecting some guests yesterday and being the lazy woman that I am , thought of getting some idli-sambhar from a popular restaurant near my place instead of slogging in the kitchen on a beautiful rainy morning.

The  weather looked so wonderful that the idea of getting soaked in the rain was too tempting to  be ignored ... so I walked down to the restaurant , placed my order and waited for the parcel to come

There among the innumerable cars and a rush of customers coming in and going out of the restaurant was this woman looking dark , water dripping from all over her as she stood under the open sky , rain lashing at her mercilessly

I asked the man at the counter to give her a cup of tea and a plate of idli sambhar .
Till then all was fine.

But the moment I asked her to come inside , I was told very firmly that she could not come inside .
Let me add here that this restaurant has its parcel counter quite separate from the main dining area. But she was not allowed to even enter that privileged area , let alone sit or eat there.
I felt so helpless.
Hate myself for being a silent spectator to the murder of dignity that was her right as a human being ...
Now as I write I am sure I could have raised my voice
I could have cancelled my order protesting against the discrimination .

But I just took the parcel when it came and walked away ... away from that  pathetically wet and hungry dark woman , for whose breakfast I had so benevolently paid.
My duty was done .
My conscience was clear ........ !!!!

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